Episode 55 - The Writer's Toolbox - The Tool of Writing Sprints 

Do you want to write faster, more efficiently and with fewer errors? 

If so, the answer is simple: start writing in sprints.

In this episode, we tell you more about how you can add the tool of writing sprints to your writer’s toolbox.
Sprinting is the art of writing as fast as possible for a set amount of time without editing, refining, or re-reading the words. 

We cover:

1 - What Is A Writing Sprint?
2 - Why Use Writing Sprints?
3 - How To Plan A Writing Sprint?

How To Plan A Writing Sprint 

Prepare the place.Prepare the session.Prepare your mind.

On your marks - get set - GO!

It Takes Practice and Persistence To Run Fast! So the same with writing sprints - it takes practice to make them effective.

- Writing sprints will allow you to write faster than you normally would.

- Writing sprints will help you develop the skill of writing.

- Writing sprints will help you finish your work faster and more accurately.

- Writing sprints will help you get your work out of your head and onto the page.

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