Episode 61 - The Writer’s Toolbox - The Tool of a Literary Agent 

In this episode, Pete and Laura head over to The Writing Room to chat about The Tool of a Literary Agent for a writer. 

THE WRITERS’ ROOM - The Tool of a Literary Agent 

What is a literary agent, and how will this tool help us as a writer? That’s the subject for this edition of the podcast. 

A literary agent is a professional who represents a writer or a group of writers and their work. An agent has relationships with publishers and their major role is to ‘sell your work’ or your book to the most appropriate buyer. This is often pitching. The agent will pitch your unpublished novel or non-fiction work and negotiate fees and rights deals.  

How Do I Get a Literary Agent?

Stage 1 – Research. You’ll need to conduct extensive research to find an agent. 

The first place we’d recommend is the Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook. 

Stage 2 – Once you’ve got your list of agents to approach, carefully read the submission criteria set out on their website. 

Stage 3 – Collate your submission package. This is sometimes called a proposal, and might include:

A Cover letterA SynopsisYour Opening Chapters

What else do you need to know?

Rejection is part of the process! According to Jericho writers, agents read around 2,000 manuscripts a year. That means roughly 5 a day, every day! You will get ignored. You will get rejected. But know it’s not personal. It’s part of the process.

We want to hear from you if are looking for a literary agent or have found one! Please write to us at - info@derbyshirewritingschool.com

Send us a voice message.

Thanks for listening!