Episode 31 - Guest Interview - Lucy Thorpe - How Do I Become A Freelance Writer?

Lucy Thorpe is a freelance writer who works with brands and publications in health, lifestyle, beauty and marketing. Lucy writes content, copy, editorial and provides marketing services to businesses around the world.

For more information, visit - www.lucythorpecontent.com

In this episode of the podcast, Laura and Pete chat with Lucy about the highs and lows, benefits and challenges of being a full-time freelance writer. 

Laura and Pete ask Lucy:

Tell us about yourself and your journey. How did you get started with freelance writing?What do we mean by a freelance writer? What work do you do?What advice would you give to someone starting out on their journey into freelance writing?What advice have you got for pitching for writing work?Do you have a solid plan and strict writing goals? Tell us about your writing process.What’s next for you? What projects are you working on?

Lucy recommends the book – You’re the Business: How to Build a Successful Career When You Strike Out Alone by Anna Codrea-Rado 

For more information and to get in touch with Lucy, visit -  www.lucythorpecontent.com