Episode 99: Embracing the Writer Within - "Episode 99: Why We Write–A Deep Dive into the Writer's Mind.

Welcome back to Begin, the Derbyshire Writing School podcast!

In this heartfelt episode, co-hosts and father-daughter duo Pete Billingham and Laura Stroud explore the essence of writing. Join us as we unravel what drives us to put pen to paper, and how writing shapes our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Why We Write: An Introspective Journey

"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect." - Anais Nin
In this segment, we ponder this poignant quote by Anais Nin. Pete and Laura share their personal reasons for writing, reflecting on how capturing life's moments through writing allows us to experience them more deeply. This discussion is an invitation to listeners to contemplate their own writing motivations.

The Writer's Room: Exploring Our Writing Identities

"I write because it means I can call myself a writer." - Laura, paraphrasing Arianna Huffington on Pablo Picasso. Here, Laura shares her thoughts on writing as an identity, inspired by Arianna Huffington's interpretation of Pablo Picasso's creative life. This conversation encourages writers to own their craft, regardless of external achievements.

Personal Projects: Celebrating Our Writing Endeavors

Pete discusses his recent endeavors as a celebrant and eulogy writer, highlighting the meaningful impact of his work on others. Laura shares her exciting journey into a PhD in creative writing, aiming to create safe spaces in the world of writing education. This segment showcases the diverse paths and purposes writing can take.

Lessons Learned: Growing as Writers

In this insightful section, we discuss the continuous learning journey of a writer. Pete delves into Amazon ads for book marketing, while Laura shares her learning experiences from her PhD program. This segment is a testament to the never-ending growth and evolution in the writing journey.

Book Update: Diving into Diverse Reads

"The Miniaturist" and "Writing About Your Life: A Journey into the Past" by William Zinser Pete shares his thoughts on "The Miniaturist" and his current read, William Zinser's memoir and writing guide. Laura discusses "Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation" by Anne Helen Peterson, noting its insightful take on the millennial experience.

Closing Thoughts: Our Writing Lives

In this heartfelt conclusion, Pete and Laura reflect on their recent experiences, from walks and dog antics to academic pursuits and the every day balancing act of life and writing. This segment is a reminder of the joy and challenge of weaving writing into the fabric of our daily lives.

Join us in this episode for a warm, inviting exploration of what it means to be a writer. Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting your journey, there's something here for everyone. Let's celebrate the art of writing together!