Episode 29 - The Writer’s Toolbox - Constructing Characters

In this episode, Pete and Laura take another delve into The Writer’s Toolbox and add the tool of constructing characters as a writer. 

This week we are looking at the tool of characterisation and specifically ‘how to get inside your character’s head.’

Why You Need To Get Inside Your Character’s Head?

Getting inside your character’s head is never time wasted. 

It will help you see the world through your character’s eyes. It will help you find the story that your character must tell. It will help you show the reader what your character’s life is like, rather than tell them. It will help you know what genre you are writing.

 Prompts To Help You Develop A Character

Describe your character in three words. Pick one event from your characters past that has had the most impact on them – write about it.  What was your character’s family life like? How did this affect who they are?How would your character react if they were: Happy? Sad? Excited? Scared? In love? In danger?What values does your character have or believe in? Do they work hard? Are they trustworthy? A good friend? Do they believe in love? Are they cynical? Are they loyal and reliable? Do they take risks?What does your character care about above all else? Why do they care?What are your character’s deepest, darkest fears? What are the secrets your character carries?What does your character look like? How does their voice sound? What clothes do they wear?How would others describe your character?What makes your character special or different? What does your character want? Why do they want it? Why should the reader care about your character?What is your character like at the start of the story? What will they be like at the end? How has your character changed? Can you describe this change?

Recommended Product of the Week - The Prompt Box

Have you ever stared at a blank screen and felt stuck for words? Like all your ideas have dried up. Are you feeling empty or uninspired? Do you need help to get your ideas moving? Or do you want to inject some joy back into your creative writing? The Prompt Box can help.

You don’t need to worry about finding those ideas anymore because our monthly writing prompt subscription box is here to help. Each month you’ll get a collection of bespoke and unique creative writing prompts delivered to your door, to get you unblocked and writing again. And just like how no person or story is the same, no box of ideas is the same either.

We’d love to know how you got on constructing characters as a writer. Use the email below and tell us how you have used this tool in your writing. 

We want to hear from you! [email protected]

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Thanks for listening!