Episode 21 — How To Deal With Feedback?

THE WRITERS’ ROOM - How To Deal With Feedback?

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” Bill Gates.

In the Writers Room this week, Pete and Laura chat about getting and giving feedback on our writing. Pete and Laura recognise how important it is to receive feedback, but through their conversation recognise how we ask for, and how we give feedback, can make all the difference to improving our writing. Also, importantly, how having empathy and understanding when being asked for feedback is critical to remember.

OUR CURRENT PROJECT UPDATES - What writing projects are we working & what’s happened this week?

Laura’s Wedding Planning Book is in the ultimate stages, receiving the manuscript back from proofreading and completing the cover design. Also, Laura has been busy with freelance writing projects for her clients. Pete finds this episode very relevant as he begins the second edit of - Rose-buds in Kerela - his travel memoir.

LESSONS WE’VE LEARNED THIS WEEK - What have we learned about writing & publishing this week?

On topic Pete recognises the value of feedback on missing how his point of view in a couple of sections went awry and he hadn’t noticed. Pete talks about Total Annarchy - the newsletter from Ann Handley.  Relearning how important each stage of the work is hard in its own way, Laura reflects on remembering the moments matter. 

Recommended Product of the Week - The Alliance of Independent Authors

Laura talks about how valuable she finds being a member of The Alliance of Independent Authors. The advice, supportive guidance, and the range of resources she has found within a welcoming community of authors, she finds is worth exploring if you are an independent author. Not only can you join other developing writers if you become a member of The Alliance of Independent Authors, but by using our link, it helps support the work of Derbyshire Writing School. Thanks! 

BOOKS WE ARE READING AND RECOMMEND - What books are we reading this week?

Pete continues reading ‘The Corfu Trilogy’ by Gerald Durrell, and references a new book - A Calendar of Wisdom by Leo Tolstoy. Laura has The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday, and a Laura also recommends a newsletter - 3,2,1 Newsletter by James Clear.

WHAT’S HAPPENING AT DERBYSHIRE WRITING SCHOOL THIS WEEK? - How are we building the business this week?

Poetry for Beginners –Workshop

Our Poetry for Beginners workshop is the perfect place to try something new. Charlotte Lunn, Derbyshire based poet, workshop facilitator and bookseller delivers this session. To find out more about Charlotte and how to get started with poetry, listen to her interview on the Derbyshire Writing School podcast.

PERSONAL UPDATES - What’s going on in our lives?

Pete and Laura are grateful for the growing community of writers they are connecting with through the podcast and website. 

Feedback is a gift, you can accept it, re-gift it, use it for a while and pass it on, or you can graciously accept it and pop it into the charity shop bag. It’s your work!

Send us a voice message - through Speakpipe.