The rapper known as SleazyWorld Go is having himself a moment. His sudden brush with fame is thanks in large part to his hit song “Sleazy Flow”, a 2-minute anthem that currently has nearly 30 Million combined listens on platforms like Spotify and YouTube. Following his release from prison, Sleazy returned home only for his girl to then move on without him. This inspired him to embrace his “sleaze” like never before and became the catalyst for his hip-hop career. To hear him tell it, his music was a release for years of pent-up isolation and anger. But now, SleazyWorld Go might just be one the most down-to-earth and happiest dudes on the planet. Want to know how he managed to earn himself such tremendous success? Then keep watching our newest episode of Before They Were Famous! But before we get started, be sure to like this video, subscribe, and ring that bell for notifications to help us get our content in front of as many people as possible. We appreciate it a ton. Alright, let’s get into this story!