In American Swastika: Inside the White Power Movement's Hidden Spaces of Hate (2nd edition), Pete Simi and Robert Futrell look at the white power movement. Over 15 years of interviews allow the authors to use real stories to focus on white power families and the different ways the white power movement indoctrinates the next generation of white power warriors. 

We discuss the different types of groups, the different gateways people take into the movement, the ties that bind them, the family life, the "safe spaces" that bring them together and form deep bonds between members.

We also discuss the important role safe spaces play, and the role they play within the larger cultural context today. Taking away the freedom to express themselves would have catastrophic consequences.

What is the big picture of extremist violence in the United States? What are the things we, as citizens, can and should do to combat hatred and violence? 

For links to some of the things we discuss today: