Faigie Kobre (Faigie is Yiddish for bird) is an elementary school art teacher in Long Island, New York, who also works with women who love art but don't feel artistic. She helps them reignite their creativity through the medium of alcohol inks. She started her career as an early childhood educator (she got her masters in education in the 1980s) and then spent 25 years as a high-end portrait photographer. She conducted workshops on creativity and how to give kids are that feeds them.  While she loved helping children enhance their creativity, she switched careers in her 50s (after her children were grown) and loves teaching women how to tap into their untapped creativity.  Locally, she conducts art parties in her community, but her coaching and workshops are offered online as well.

Faigie constantly works on herself to become a better human being.  She works on her relationships.  She has six children, so she works on changing her way of dealing with each of her children, according to their needs and temperaments.  Any relationship requires you to give of one's self.  We are never finished, because there is so much to work on and to change.

Learn more about her work here:





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