Mentorship is important when launching any career. It is vital for your survival to be surrounded by people who can hold you accountable, figure out life with you and challenge you to be more. In this weeks episode I sat down with a colleague of mine Brea Z. Grate, we shared our experiences as black women in government and we also explored what mentorship looks like or men. 

I want to leave with you the steps you should take when pursuing a mentor: 

1. Research people you admire 
2. Start with small expectations (Allow things to naturally develop and don't enter the relationship expecting years of connection but allow room for the relationship to develop the best way for all the parties involved) 
3. Position yourself as someone who wants to learn (Come with some work done already, it shows the mentor you're serious about your development and are looking for further empowerment through their guidance and teaching. 

I hope this year you will position yourself to connect with more people that will Educate, Empower and Energize you!