Today’s guest is Alexandra Pope.

Alexandra is the co founder of along side Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer. She is also the author of several books including 'The Wild Genie: The Healing Power of Menstruation', 'The Women’s Quest Workbook' and co author of 'The Pill: are you sure it’s for you' and their book Wild Power 

Alexandra is a women’s leadership coach and educator at the forefront of the emerging new field of menstruality, exploring woman’s psycho-spiritual journey from menarche to menopause and beyond.


5 years ago I followed a calling and did a menstrual, women’s body training with a beautiful teacher Laila Torsheim here in Denmark. It became confirmation of so many truths in my body, that I simply did not have a fully developed language for. She introduced us to our lovely guest today. A woman and a mission worth knowing. 

I had the privilege of working a little closer with them during the launch of their book ‘Wild Power’ and it is a must read for women wanting to get intimate with their cycle. I will leave a link in the show notes. 

To learn more about their amazing work go here: