Previous Episode: Serving From Overflow

We’ve all been sold the myth that, if we work our businesses to a certain point, we get to go to the beach, kick up our feet and bask in endless joy. If you’re waiting for a certain number of clients, or a specific number in your bank account, you’re on the path to emptiness. You will always desire more. Always! The trick is to learn how to celebrate, and practice obsessive gratitude for where you are at right now, and every step of the way towards your next goal. When we’re living this way, that constant desire for more doesn’t lead us to emptiness. Instead, it becomes the fuel that ensures we’re always growing.

Today on Becoming Iconic:

The never ending desire for moreWhy you need to celebrate where you’re atRemembering to have gratitude for what you’ve already accomplishedThe distinction between pride and ego

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

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