Operating from a place of integrity, Enneagram 1s are out to make the world a better place. But their feedback can be too blunt at times, making people feel intimidated and resistant to receiving it.

Whitney Lee is the Founder of Sociallee, a PR firm that serves travel and experience brands. She also happens to be a good example of a healthy Enneagram 1 who, over time, has learned to stay true to her principles without being perceived as self-righteous.

So, how did Sheriff Whitney learn to deliver the truth in a way that helps people get better—and have fun doing it?

On this episode of The Leadership Formula, Whitney shares her commitment to standing up for what she knows is right and describes the high expectations she puts on herself and others.

Whitney discusses her willingness to tell her friends the truth (even when it hurts) and explains how she is leaning into her wings to improve the way she delivers criticism.

Listen in to understand how Whitney is embracing the visionary spirit of her growth number 7 and learn how a healthy Enneagram 1 can maintain their high standards and be fun-loving at the same time!

What You Will Learn

Why it hurts Whitney’s soul when people have a poor view of PR as an industry
Whitney’s commitment to standing up for what she knows is right
How Whitney has grown more open-minded to other’s views of right and wrong
How Whitney is fun-loving and outgoing when she’s at her best
The impossibly high expectations Whitney has for herself and others when she’s struggling
How Whitney gauges the integrity of a person she’s meeting for the first time
Whitney’s willingness to tell her friends the truth—even when it hurts
How Whitney is embracing the visionary spirit of her growth number 7
How Whitney leans into her wings to make time for feelings and empower others
What makes Whitney a good example of the social subtype of an Enneagram 1

Connect with Whitney

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