Dr Anna Spathis is a  Consultant in Palliative Care and Consultant Lead for Breathlessness Intervention Service -  and you can learn more about her here - https://www.phpc.cam.ac.uk/people/pcu-group/pcu-senior-academic-staff/anna-spathis/

Show Notes

In this episode Dr Spathis talks with podcast host Dr Sara Booth about :-

The Effects of Covid

Exploring the different types of patient being treated

The difficulties of Long Covid

Managing symptoms

Vicious Cycles of emotional responses 

Remote working

Evaluating outcomes -

The variety of referral services

consequences of the lack of understanding on the patient group

The importance of Transdiagnosis

Papers mentioned in this podcast

Spathis A, Booth S, Moffat C, Hurst R, Ryan R, Chin C, Burkin J. The Breathing, Thinking, Functioning clinical model: a proposal to facilitate evidence-based breathlessness management in chronic respiratory disease. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine 2017; 27(1):27. DOI: 10.1038/s41533-017-0024-z

Please email [email protected] with any comments or queries

The Breathlessness Podcast is sponsored by the Dyspnea Society. To become a member please go their website for details  - The Dyspnea Society and contact Professor Andrew Binks

This podcast is produced by RogueSpirit podcasting - please email [email protected] with any enquiries.