How do you know whether or not your house is getting enough activity while it’s on the market?

There are many different types of activity. As your real estate professional, it’s important to me to track the different kinds of activity on your home. I am basically the marketing firm for your property, and I will tell you about the activity on your home.

For example, if I’m seeing good activity on your house on different websites, then I need to tell you about that. I may say, “Your home was viewed 36 times on Trulia this week, and seven of them stayed on and looked at every single picture.” A good real estate agent will give you that information.

Another important activity marker is the number of buyers who drive by to look at your property. This number can be a little harder to judge, but we keep track by placing a brochure in front of the home. If someone is interested in your home, they’ll pick up a brochure. Then we can judge how many people are driving by your home based on the number of brochures that are missing.

We also have an 800 number on those property brochures in order to track the number of times someone calls to listen to the recording for that property. We can see how many calls we got, and how many of those calls for the same number. Someone might call a number of times to share the description of the house they want to make an appointment for with their spouse or family members.

“We will tell you what buyers say about your property after each showing.”

Having advertised sources of activity and knowing where the activity is coming from is extremely important to me as the marketer of your home, and that information should be relayed to you as the consumer.

You need to know whether or not your house is being marketed properly.

Another way to track buyer activity is through showings. Sometimes, people schedule showing appointments and don’t show up. It’s rude, but it happens. Sometimes buyers find the house of their dreams right before they come to look at your property; it’s nothing personal.We will call you after each showing to tell you if they showed up and what they liked or disliked about the home. They may say something like, “I love this house, but it really smells like cat pee,” or “The house is great, but that backyard will be too much of a hassle to mow.”

We will take that feedback and use it to prepare for your next showing. You may not be able to change the backyard, but you can deep-clean your carpets or even replace them to get rid of unwanted smells.

Your real estate agent should tell you all of the things that other Realtors and buyers say about your house at each showing. A good real estate agent will make sure that happens.

If you have any other questions about selling your home, just give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!