I’ve got a few tips to share with you today that will help you increase your home’s value whether you plan on selling now or at a later date. They include:1. Making a good first impression. Curb appeal matters to buyers. If you have dirty flowerbeds or a broken light fixture on your porch, make sure you get it fixed. You want them to have a great feeling as they are walking up to the door.2. Good smell. A good smell is no smell at all. Nobody likes to be overwhelmed by flowery scents. People always think sellers are hiding something when they do that. No smell is the smell you want to go for. If you have a pet, there are pet odors present that you don’t smell. You’ll want to get those cleaned too. We know the best carpet cleaners around and can refer you to them.

“The best smell is no smell.”

3. Small improvements. The best improvement you can make is one of the cheapest. Fresh paint. Get rid of any scuffs or marks on the wall too, as well as any family pictures. Make sure your home is uncluttered and clean.These are the best ways to get the maximum value out of your home. If you have any questions about this subject or anything else relating to real estate in OKC, give me a call or send me an email. I’m here to help.