BabbleOnBrooke is an Inspirational Speaker, Biz + Life Coach, and Invisible Disabilities Advocate who combines her entertainment background and 9-year spinal injury recovery journey, "From Hollywood To Housebound To Healing" to empower others.

Follow Brooke on any social media, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tik Tok @BabbleOnBrooke!

BabbleOnBrooke is an Inspirational Speaker, Biz + Life Coach, and Invisible Disabilities Advocate who combines her entertainment background and 9-year spinal injury recovery journey, "From Hollywood To Housebound To Healing" to empower others. Her injury severely impacted her breathing and speaking, and threatened her life, yet here she is, babbling on. She kept going and encourages you to do the same. You are not alone and as she always says, "When you wake up breathing, it's a good day!" Follow her online for more and sign up for her e-mail list at to receive free Monthly Mindset Tips + Tools that will help you on your way.

As listeners of the Because We Are Strong podcast, receive 50% off her upcoming online training, "How To Survive - and THRIVE! - In Isolation" with code RARE. Join her e-mail list at for more information.

The CUBE and OOLER systems are two really cool gadgets that fit over the top of your mattress and use water to control the temperature of your bed. Right now Chili is offering my audience a really great deal. When you go to, you can get 20% off the CUBE all sleep systems with findyourrare20. I hope you’ll check out Chili and see why I love their products so much.

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