Meet Barby Ingles:

I was living my dream. I trained and performed cheerleading, dance and gymnastics starting at age 4 through college. Straight out of college I started my own cheer/dance training company. A year later I was hired by Washington State University as the head spirit program coach. I have been battling chronic pain since 1997. First with Endometriosis which resulted in a full hysterectomy and left oophorectomy. Then in 2002, I developed Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), is a progressive neuro-autoimmune condition that affects multiple system in the body and needs to be treated early so that disability does not take over and TMJ. I lost my physical abilities was bed bound for years. Using a wheelchair to get to get out of bed. It took 3 years to get a proper diagnosis and another 4 years to get the proper treatment. I know firsthand how hard it is to continue looking for relief, perfect answers, and then coming up against healthcare professionals who blow you off or do not believe what you are saying could actually be what you’re experiencing. As I search for a cure, I have become my own best advocate and work sharing the information so that others do not have the same life struggles that I have. Even after seeing over 100 healthcare professionals, having major surgeries I didn’t need, complications such as internal bleeding, medication interactions, kidney stones, tumors, severe constipation and so much more – I did not give up or give in! 

I advocate for all of us challenged with a chronic care condition involving chronic pain as well as their family, caregivers, healthcare professionals and public. One in three people (116 million)  in the United States are affected with a condition that causes pain, so it is bound to affect you or someone you know. But until you feel the pain it is difficult to understand all of the challenges it brings on. Whether physical or mental, pain can and will consume you if you allow it to and only the patient can begin the process of healing! My hope is that my speaking engagements and books will inspire your eventual transformation filled with HOPE and motivation.

About Ipain:
iPain Foundations objectives are reached through important educational events, support, resources, and enhancement projects that are funded through private donations and grants. The Power of Pain Foundation (dba: International Pain Foundation) demonstrates its commitment to the chronic pain community by promoting new knowledge in the cause and treatment of chronic pain conditions. The ultimate goal is to provide tools and life skills to chronic pain patients giving them the ability to perform their regular activities in the community and to bolster society’s ability to provide full opportunities and appropriate supports. Supporting education for pain patients, family members, caregivers and medical professionals, we make an important contribution to the overall knowledge and treatment of chronic pain. This allows our foundation to affect the lives of millions of people with chronic pain worldwide. Whether you have pain or are a caregiver, family member or friend of someone diagnosed, we’ll help you face the challenges and life changes of chronic pain, head on.

Connect With Barby :

The CUBE and OOLER systems are two really cool gadgets that fit over the top of your mattress and use water to control the temperature of your bed. Right now Chili is offering my audience a really great deal. When you go to, you can get 20% off the CUBE all sleep systems with findyourrare20. I hope you’ll check out Chili and see why I love their products so much.

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