In this episode, you will learn 

Key foundational pieces for balancing your hormones Why clear urine Pelvic floor, gut and the hormone connection

Megan Wiley, DPT, WHC, helps busy, exhausted and overwhelmed moms make their health and happiness a priority so they can be filled with the energy to live the life they want to. As the creator and owner of Rising Sun Women’s Health Coaching, certified Women’s Integrative Health Coach with a speciality in Perimenopause and Menopause and pelvic health physical therapist, her goal is to walk beside women to help guide them to create and reach their ultimate vision of optimal health for a vibrant, joyful and balanced life.

After having personally struggled with confusing, exhausting and painful symptoms for 20 years and knowing the frustration of being bounced from specialist to specialist without any answers given other than another prescription, Megan was able to finally breakthrough from her daily pain cycle through her own integration of functional nutrition principles to help heal her gut and her hormonal imbalances and is on a mission to help other women go through their own healing journey. She finds that what most women need is not necessarily the magical pill or diagnosis, but rather, someone to guide and support them through their health journey.

Megan provides 1:1 holistic health coaching as well as offers women’s health workshops and retreats. She is also a practicing pelvic health physical therapist and postpartum corrective exercise specialist, wife and mother of 3 kids.

You can find Megan at: