10 Questions with Jay Hack, Co-founder & CEO of MIRA BEAUTY.

Welcome to our new series "10 questions with", where we will sit down with entrepreneurs and business leaders for a candid conversation within the authenticity of the Beauty Influence Network.

We are kicking things off with Jay Hack, Co-founder & CEO of MIRA BEAUTY, who calls himself Mathemagician. Jack believes that MIRA Beauty can become the Amazon of Beauty. He will be talking how MIRA beauty democratized platform, what makes it such, algorithms, obstacles, intelligence sampling and personal consultations in the future.
If you don't have time to see join this talk, we have a video library of resources on beauty / wellness trends and innovations at www.beautyinfluencenetwork.com

If you are not available to attend this webinar, we have lots of good content available on demand at www.beautyinfluencenetwork.com , join free to access the library of great content! 

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