What do artists think about new technologies that are changing the industry, for better or worse?  In this Artist Perspective episode we speak to Dan Kurtz and Jamie Shields. Longtime members of the Toronto music scene, Jamie and Dan (along with Darren Shearer) formed the New Deal in 1998  fusing electronic music with live improvisation. Dan also formed the electro-pop band Dragonette with singer/songwriter Martina Sorbara.

In past Beatseeker episodes we’ve covered how new technologies like streaming, social media and online concerts are changing the industry. In this episode we get an artists take on these trends. We sit down with Dan and Jamie to discuss how technology is impacting everything from how they make a living, how they make music and how they interact with fans.

Find their music and stay up to date at: http://www.thenewdeal.com and http://www.dragonette.com