If you want to draw a line in the sand, ask a Christian their view on climate change and global warming. Since the early 2000’s, this politically and economically divisive topic has managed to polarize Christians like few other topics. Do you believe we must act now to change our carbon footprint, or is it out of our control and a matter of God’s design? This week, Pastor Tony Minear, Ph.D. continues his worship series #earthmatters and examines the theology behind the arguments. Whether you agree with the science of the issue or view climate change and global warming as a threat to the Christian church, you can make a difference simply by being informed. In transformative times such as this, realize not only the power you have to make God’s love real, but to change the trajectory of climate change and global warming. Listen and discover four things to consider before choosing a side. 

Recorded live at Beatitudes Church, Phoenix, AZ on 07/10/20

Preaching: Rev. Tony Minear, Ph.D.

Scripture Reader: ellie hutchison

Scripture Reference: Psalm 115: 14-16

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