Words are powerful. A single word can convey the speaker’s intention both positively and negatively. Our world has been turned upside-down because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The cacophony of words we’ve had to digest over the past weeks and months to make our world a safer place has been overwhelming. But regardless of the noise, you don’t have to be a great orator to make a difference with your words. Join Pastor Tony Minear, Ph.D. this week for a look at how our words can break into the chaos and provide peace and healing during this difficult time. Discover three things you can do to craft your words to make a difference for our shared commission to make God’s love real for others today and for tomorrow.

Recorded live at Beatitudes Church in Phoenix, AZ on 4/15/20

Preaching: Rev. Tony Minear, Ph.D.

Scripture Reader: Janelle Tapphorn

Scripture References: Proverbs 11:12; James 3:1-12

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