Previous Episode: I'M IN - I'm Influential

Thank you for listening to the message from Beacon Church in Atlanta Georgia. 

Giving! God has called us to "pour not store." Our God has created us to pour out, to be a blessing to others, instead of to store up just for ourselves. Generosity is not an act. It's a posture of the heart. It's a mindset. 

Generous people look for needs. Generous people become creative with what they have. Generous people realize that what I have is not all for me. It can be tough to think about giving  and being generous when it feels like we are barely making ends meet. The truth is what we have might not feel like enough, but we serve a God who's more than enough!

He will provide. He will multiply. He will bless you. The only catch is we are to be obedient and give what's He's called us too.

I'M IN | Brandon Crook | Beacon Church | Atlanta 

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