In the spirit of Valentine’s day, we’re going to talk about love… specifically loving YOUR body in the season that you’re in.

It’s okay to love your body in the season you’re in AND still want to see it change.

Looking in the mirror, it’s easy to say, “I wish I had a six-pack, I wish my hips were smaller, I wish my arms were stronger”

It’s easy to get knocked down by these feelings, especially when you’ve been putting in the work.

You’ve been eating better, you’ve been moving your body, you’ve got the Stanley and are drinking 120 oz of water a day… but you’re still not where you want to be.

It’s okay to feel those feelings. It’s VERY valid to feel those feelings.

However, to see long-term change, we need to have short-term or current acceptance.

It’s okay to want to see change, but more importantly, it’s okay to love your body in the season that you’re in and STILL want to see the changes.

You’re probably saying, “great, but I want to see the change; how do I love my body”

That’s what we’re going to talk about today!

About Me

I'm Kristin, a holistic nutrition coach helping soccer moms find Nutrition Confidence by making eating healthy an easy option for their busy season of life. With two boys of my own, I have been on my health journey through the chaos they call life. I'm a certified nutrition coach from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition and look forward to sharing my tips and tricks to help you take your health into your own hands.

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