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The Lord tells Peter what He thinks about Iguanas.  Peter basically says to God, "No. You don't think like that." And, this being Peter, he is quite emphatic about what he (Peter) thinks the Lord is thinking.  This is one second after the Lord tells Peter what He thinks about iguanas.  

This is to free Peter and his people with regard to DIET, but also with regard to PEOPLE.  The Lord is busting His Church out of Jewish-uniqueness into EVERYBODY.  He does this first by illustrating this point with Iguanas.  "Welcome Iguanas into your diet." "Welcome GENTILES into your churches. Let's break down the barriers separating Jew and Gentile.  I used FOOD for 1000's of years to SEPARATE my people from the others in the world, but now I am using FOOD to UN-SEPARATE people.  Welcome iguanas into your mouth.  Welcome Gentiles into your church."

Peter's response?  NO WAY.  Never have. Never will.  Gotta love Peter.

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