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Iguanas are a picture of something once not chosen that are now chosen. Jewish dietary regulations, founded by God are now being changed by God.  He's sovereign.  It is His prerogative.  But I don't LIKE IGUANAS.  I never have and never will.  Such is Peter's response.

So the Lord runs through the vision AGAIN.  Still Mr. Knucklehead.  Then a THIRD TIME.  You'll never believe this, but STILL Mr. Knucklehead Peter. Get this, Peter, says NO to the Lord's voice either 3 or possibly 6 times and STILL doesn't get what the Lord is trying to tell him.

Gentiles are literally out by the mailbox trying to get Peter's attention.  They are out there because of SEPARATION of Jew and Gentile.  God has made them clean and sent a memo to Peter THREE TIMES.   God has JOINED Jew and Gentile into His kingdom.  Peter keeps missing the memo.  Good news:  God persists.  Please like, share and send to your most stubborn friend.  Try listening on Pocket Casts or Spotify.