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Do you ever feel like you are in a spiritual holding pattern? Like you are just WAITING for something else to happen? If so, you are in good company.  Moses, Abraham, and now SAUL all "wait" for more than a DECADE to do their big thing.

Saul gets saved and then is discipled somehow by Jesus for 3 years in Arabia.  He then goes to Jerusalem for 15 days.  They want to kill him there too.  He's apparently irritating enough and threatening enough to want to kill him in two countries.  The Jerusalem leaders send him back to TARSUS, his hometown; back to his (probably disappointed) family. 

Remember that at his conversion he was promised to "carry my name to the Gentiles".  Scholars think he was "stuck" in Tarsus for 4-10 YEARS!  Add this all up and Paul is being seasoned and slow cooked like a nice spiritual barbecue for 7-13 years!

Like Saul, don't just sit there.  "Spiritual Waiting" doesn't wait at all.  It Prepares.  It Readies. It practices BEING READY.  During this In-Between-Time, let the Lord have His way with you like a good barbecue. Share this with the best barbecuer that you know.  Subscribe on Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts or at