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Hey, I learned something today. The Lord is a God of COMFORT.  Who knew?  Apparently not me.  And, it is OLD news. He's been in the comfort business a long time and will be in the future.  And I am supposed to be a participant as well as a recipient of this comforting.  

Comfort is part of God's CHARACTER.  It is in His DNA.  Comforting the spiritually and relationally grieving is right up His alley.  Comforting is often DELIVERED by people.  Wait, I am one of those.  I wonder if He might have a job of comfort for me in the next 2 hours.  Probably yes.  Comfort is in the Hall-of-fame-ONE-ANOTHERs.  Who knew?  Comfort one another.  

Who is the best COMFORTER you know?  Praise that person.
Who near you needs TO BE COMFORTED?  Pursue that person.
What might you seek to be comforted about?  Petition the Source of all comfort.

And subscribe, and share this word of comfort.