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Jesus goes on vacation to the wilderness.  Just kidding.  It is anything but a vacation.  He goes for a purpose: to be TEMPTED.He puts on His HUMANITY HAT to be tempted.  Why go through all the trouble?  Because it will be worth it.  The trouble will be of great value for you and me, mostly.  The difficulty helps the process.  The travail helps us to the endpoint.

He goes NOT alone.  He's not lost in the wilderness, He's LED in the wilderness; not forsaken but filled; not plopped but powered; not solo but surrounded; not exiled but embraced.  The Trinity pool party we noticed in episode 43 continues.

He's not on vacation, He's on task.  His purpose is not pleasure, it is accomplishment and example for us.  We'll get to that.

Why would you ever do something hard like go on safari or run a marathon or go fight a war?  Because the accomplishment is worth it.  So when we have these challenges, we can confidently say: "I've got a Savior like that, because he did NOT go on vacation." Please share this with anyone who is facing something hard.