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Hunger is in God's toolbox.  Jesus has put Himself in the wilderness to show us how it is done.  He is hungry. He is at the limit of human endurance in this particular area, but other areas of temptation/stress are analogous: relational, sexual, honesty, diligence...

Satan tries to shortcut the ways of God.  Hunger is is a tool that God frequently uses to get us to trust Him more and see His provision.  It was the hunger in the desert that allows the Jews to see the "manna of the moment".  It is our hunger, our trials, our temptations, our difficulties that allow us to more clearly see the provisions and presence of God.  

Satan says, "Naw, let's get a snack.  Let's go right to satisfaction and skip the hunger phase.  Let's short-circuit the way that God has worked for generations."  Jesus says, "Nope.  Let's go through the hunger.  Let's trust God through the difficulty."  Listen 7 minutes please.