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God tells us about Himself in the book of James.  It is under this exposure, this revealing, that we should place the scope of our thinking about Him.  So far on the first page, we learn that His intentions are always Good; that evil is the farthest thing from Him; that He allows trials to make us better.

For today, the big one: EVERY good gift is from Him.  We just must get our heads around this.  We are to think of Him as the giver of every good gift.  We enjoy the common graces to our world: children, families, mothers, spouses, marriage, photosynthesis, sound waves, light waves and eyes to receive them, food to sustain us, animals to help us, and minds to figure stuff out.  Thank you Lord for the sourcing of every good gift.

Let's think correctly.  How should I think about God? A good place to start is that He is the giver of every good gift.  Please share with someone who is a gift to you.