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James turns our inclinations of being slow to hear and quick to speak upside down.
He wants to change the set point we all have of LISTENING vs TALKING.  He wants us to move from being in a hurry to TALK(at least in our head if not with our tongue) to being in a hurry to LISTEN(at least with our ears if not with our heart).  Could anything be more practical? Could anything be more difficult?

Have you ever been in a verbal fight where EVERYBODY is TALKING, and everybody is ANGRY and nobody is LISTENING? This is basically like us ALL THE TIME with God.  I know a guy...

Meekness is  a wonderful, powerful, scriptural, out-of-this-world kind of word.  It means to be gentle, humble, courteous, "no YOU first", considerate word.  It gives preference to the other.  It is capturing of this set-point that moves from talking to being in a hurry to hear.  It means I shut-up and listen by restraining my normally speaking heart, mouth, thoughts, soul.  It means making ROOM for God. Listen just 7 minutes.  It will be brutal.