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Episode 43:  In this episode, host Angie Gust talks a little about our vibrations and our mitochondria.  Do you all remember learning about mitochondria in school?  The powerhouse of the cell?  There is a body of research focused on how to improve and increase the number of your mitochondria.  It is important to know that  mitochondria are cell organelles that are responsible not only for energy, but also for exerting a major role in the aging process and in the development of age-related diseases.

This month is the UN conference of the parties #27.  It is set for November 7-18, 2022 in Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt.  Over 2000 speakers are expected. The Egypt web site on the meeting states that there will be a broad interaction with various stakeholders where the voice of youth, women, civil society and indigenous people will be at the center of these discussions. They go on to say that areas will focus on the promise of innovation and clean technologies as well as the importance of water and agriculture to the climate crisis. Let's be positive that immediate actionable steps come from this conference.


COP 27 Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt 2022.

Greenheart Education.

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Norio Okabayashi, Angelo Peronio, Magnus Paulsson, Toyoko Arai, and Franz J. Giessibl. 2018.Vibrations of a molecule in an external force field  PNAS Vol. 115 | No. 18

Lo, J. Jan 17, 2022. Egypt names foreign minister Sameh Shoukry to lead Cop27 climate talks.

Stanborough, RJ. 2020. What is vibrational energy. Healthline.

Vermillion, S. Sept 22, 2022. Regenerative Travel Is the Next Phase of Responsible Tourism. Outside.