Episode 42: In this episode, host Angie Gust talks about the benefits of oil pulling. Oil pulling is a detox practice which originated in India over 3000 years ago.  The oil is ‘pulled’ and forced in between all the teeth by swishing it all around the mouth.  Then you spit it out and brush. You don't swallow it.  Oil pulling is believed to help in the excretion of toxic heavy metals by saliva.  Turning to the environment, I know we are all so happy that after long last, in August, the government dedicated money -369 billion in climate and energy investments --to addressing climate change. Three major analyses done to date project a 40% reduction in American emissions, compared to a baseline of 2005 levels.  This would cut about a billion tons of carbon a year by 2030 - a little more than halfway from where we are now to where we’ve promised to be.  The bill is good but we are still left short of our goal.  We have to keep advocating, working, and innovating. We can get there!



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