Episode 21: In this episode, host, Angie Gust, talks about a letter to the editor of the journal, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. The authors of the letter propose that, based on previous data, that hydrogen peroxide, because it is an antiseptic agent, could play a pivotal role in reducing the hospitalization rate and complications from COVID-19. They say that the overall progression of the infection from the upper to the lower respiratory tract can be reduced by oral and nasal washing performed immediately after the onset of the first symptoms and the presumptive diagnosis of COVID-19. In good news about the environment, the International Energy Agency Renewables April 2020 report concludes that, while other fuels have struggled due to COVID-19 this year, the market for renewables has proved “more resilient than previously thought”.  They say that wind and solar capacity will double over the next five years globally and, as a result, exceed that of both gas and coal. Good news indeed!



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