It all started with a LinkedIn post that drove a ton of traffic (including from me), Angela Shaw, HR executive and DEI advocate, was fielding tons of questions and connections from others feeling the same. Angela was gracious enough to join our show while in transition, prior to landing at JuiceLand as their Chief People Officer.

In this episode, we talk about the joys and challenges of resiliency at middle (ahem) age, the joys of understanding yourself and giving yourself space to just be ok taking a full-on nap in the middle of the day!

We start with a study from Harvard and MIT about resiliency at middle age, followed by the article, " "Resilience, mindfulness and flourishing in middle aged adults." But ultimately, we just have a great conversation about self-care, self-compassion, and giving yourself permission to being true to who you are.

I also made a quick-start guide with 5 ways to be resilient at any age, which is on our website. Check it out!