Stacy and Brenda talk with Eugenia Oganova about the link between spirit and wealth. What is “wealth energetics” and why is it important for a profitable business? The link between the strategies and energetics. Why is self-mastery an essential component of successful entrepreneurship? What are the Energetics of Soul-aligned messaging that leads to success? Aligning your Business Strategy to your unique Soul. How design is the key to success. How to stop working harder, forcing yourself into “masculine” cookie-cutter strategies and instead unite your “feminine” ways with the “masculine” supportive structures, and finally create with ease, flow, and freedom.

This episode is sponsored by Tom Paladino with Scalar Light. Sign up and receive your 30 day free scalar light healing at Listen to our interviews with Tom and the amazing benefits and healing potential in episodes #73, 78 and 90.

Eugenia Oganova is a Business Strategist, Personal Transformation Expert, and Messaging Energetics Coach with over 20 years of experience, she’s a self-made millionaire in a personal transformation and business niche, and a best-selling author of 3 books. She is also not a typical business coach: she is clairvoyant and she uses her extraordinary abilities to support her clients in addition to business and marketing strategies.

Eugenia's Links:


Transcension Gate

Spiritual Membership: 

Transcension Gate Quantum Evolution

Conscious Coaches & Healers Program: 

The Conscious Future Mastermind


>> Click to Join my Community “High-Ticket Clients Energetics for Spiritual Coaches”

>> Click to Join my Community “Starseed Transcension”

Be the Love Links:


Stacy and Brenda talk with Eugenia Oganova about the link between spirit and wealth. What is “wealth energetics” and why is it important for a profitable business? The link between the strategies and energetics. Why is self-mastery an essential component of successful entrepreneurship? What are the Energetics of Soul-aligned messaging that leads to success? Aligning your Business Strategy to your unique Soul. How design is the key to success. How to stop working harder, forcing yourself into “masculine” cookie-cutter strategies and instead unite your “feminine” ways with the “masculine” supportive structures, and finally create with ease, flow, and freedom.

This episode is sponsored by Tom Paladino with Scalar Light. Sign up and receive your 30 day free scalar light healing at Listen to our interviews with Tom and the amazing benefits and healing potential in episodes #73, 78 and 90.

Eugenia Oganova is a Business Strategist, Personal Transformation Expert, and Messaging Energetics Coach with over 20 years of experience, she’s a self-made millionaire in a personal transformation and business niche, and a best-selling author of 3 books. She is also not a typical business coach: she is clairvoyant and she uses her extraordinary abilities to support her clients in addition to business and marketing strategies.

Eugenia's Links:


Transcension Gate

Spiritual Membership: 

Transcension Gate Quantum Evolution

Conscious Coaches & Healers Program: 

The Conscious Future Mastermind


>> Click to Join my Community “High-Ticket Clients Energetics for Spiritual Coaches”

>> Click to Join my Community “Starseed Transcension”

Be the Love Links:


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Instagram: @bethelovepodcast

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Your Empowered Soul: A Natural Pathway to Healing Anxiety and Depression

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Donor, Mentor, Volunteer, or Sponsor, please email Kimote Foundation Director, Eric Kifampa at: [email protected] or go to the foundation's Facebook page:

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This episode was edited by Chelsea Weaver 
