Stacy and Brenda discuss Playing small and playing it safe. How does this show up in our life? How is it showing up in our interactions with people? What keeps us from our true potential. What subconscious beliefs do we operate from? Playing it safe- staying in the comfort zone- why do we resist taking risks? Fear of being seen- judgement, being hurt by others. Fear of the unknown- attaching to the familiar even if it is not the best option. Contraction vs. expansion. How are we holding on to the past? Who are you trying to make comfortable by not sharing your gifts? The idea of expressing yourself and sharing vs bragging. What has our culture taught us?

This episode is sponsored by Tom Paladino with Scalar Light. Sign up and receive your 30 day free scalar light healing at Listen to our interviews with Tom and the amazing benefits and healing potential in episodes #73, 78 and 90.

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This episode was edited by Chelsea Weaver 
