Can you imagine spending your days in a classroom where everyone thought you were different or weird? Where not even the teachers understood why you behaved the way you did and why some things came easily to you and others were so very hard? You knew you were uncomfortable and things were difficult and strange for you, but you didn’t know why. And no one else knew why either. 


I’m thrilled to have Becca Lory Hector join us today. After finally being diagnosed on the autism spectrum as an adult, Becca uses her experiences in her work as an autism advocate, consultant, speaker, and author. She’s sharing with us the ins and outs of neurodiversity as well as what it means to be truly inclusive. Through her goals of spreading acceptance, building understanding, and encouraging self-advocacy, Becca hopes to inspire others to strive toward the same goals. 


In this episode you will learn:


What it means to be neurodiverse What inclusion is - and what it isn’t  The benefits of inclusion - for everyone How to make inclusion a habit How you can learn about inclusion from your own kids 

Links and Resources

Neurodiversity Newsstand Facebook

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Neurodiversity Newsstand YouTube

Living Positively Autistic Blog

Not Weird, Just Autistic Podcast

'Bridge the Gap" YouTube Series

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