This episode brings together Be the Bridge founder Latasha Morrison and bestselling author, evangelist, and Bible teacher Beth Moore as they talk about racial reconciliation in the Christian faith. Beth details her own experiences speaking against injustice, dealing with the backlash, and waking up to her responsibilities as a faith leader. She also gives some insight into how Christians can become bold reconcilers who move beyond a head knowledge of Christ into heart knowledge and action. 

Host & Executive Producer - Latasha Morrison

Senior Producer - Lauren C. Brown

Producer, Editor & Music By - Travon Potts

Transcriber - Brittany Prescott

Quotes: “There’s a calling we have to be bold, which leads us as reconcilers, or bridge builders, to speak up.” - Latasha

“There was not a single time that I have been really outspoken that I would have told you that I was going back on whether or not I should say it. It would have been that I could not have kept from saying it. And if that’s the case, then I can be at peace there.” - Beth

“We have a whole politic that is pro-Christian, that has been separated entirely from what is actually Christlike.” - Beth

“When we are going to do what lifts us up, instead of what puts the cross in our hands to carry, we have upset the entire thing. We traded our prophetic witness for power, we have exploited the scriptures to serve our camp’s interests, we have confused divine favor with being on top. We’ve got an idolatry problem! We’ve got nationalism, we’ve got misogyny...I mean it just goes on and on.” - Beth

“Our mouth cannot overshoot our heart, or our duplicity is going to be exposed.” - Beth“We want to know when we have finished up, all that’s gonna matter when we’re in front of God, is that we did the will of Christ Jesus—that we were courageous in it and bold in it.” - Beth

“I believe that our relief would be in our repentance. Our rest would be in our repentance. And just to be willing to do what it takes to just own up and admit we have moved so far from Christlikeness in the Church. The only reason we’re recognizing this is because of the mercy and grace of God showing us. So why can’t we say, ‘Glory hallelujah, we are beginning to see it.’” - Beth

Listen to the full episode and subscribe to the Be the Bridge podcast for more conversations on racial healing, equity, and reconciliation!


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