Pandemic. SHTF. All kinds of chaos around us. What can we do? Be mindful. Meditate. Dr. Dzung Vo is a pediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist from BC Children's Hospital. His advice on mindfulness can cut through the noise and lack of order around us in society and help us stay sane and safe ( Join host Vin Nelsen as he reviews Dr. Vo's wonderful techniques for enduring the pandemic with the art and science of mindfulness.  And check out Dr. Vo's website at


Poem - A New Practice

Let me learn mindfulness
Let not haste + media
Overwhelm my senses.
Let me be conscious of every
breathe, every feeling
Every tingling sensation
On the whole of my body.
Put a megaphone
To every buzz + whir
To every odour + shade
To the near + distant
noise-filled world
Ever moving, never ceasing.
Find myself in the moment
Cherish the now
Plan for tomorrow
Do my best
To rest
While running at top speed
While speeding up or
Slowing down.

Time never existed
It's a human construct
through + through
Buttressed by the illusion
That we're in control.
The moments simply flow
One to the next
And then another.
Embrace its pace
And merge yourself
This natural world.
~ Vin Nelsen, Oct 13, 2020

Photo by Kelvin Valerio from Pexels