Lea Turner went from 400 followers to 80,000 connections and followers combined in just 18 months with over 750 inbound clients. Let me just repeat that that's 750 inbound clients without using growth hacks or engagement pods without spending a penny on ads without doing cold outreach.

She trains individuals and companies how to use LinkedIn. And thank God. Can I just say that we've got a normal person that actually can teach the normal way of actually growing your business on LinkedIn through organic reach? No smoke and mirrors or scarcity tactics. This is the real deal.

She teaches people how to use LinkedIn to increase their brand visibility, create strong, engaged professional networks, gain regular inbound leads, start posting relatable content that starts conversations, and also not make people, work over 24 hours a day, to see some type of engagement. She knows what she's doing. I can assure you and overall, can I just say, Leah, you are just outright awesome.

If you would like to connect with Lea, you can contact her on Linkedin

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lea-turner/


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