Please allow me to do the honours.

Meet Shay Rowbottom. The most talked about person on Linkedin and rightly so. Her video content is off the charts.

Her career began on Facebook where she specialised in content creation and page management. She took notice of patterns, metrics and could see that between 2010-2013 that anyone who started a Facebook page and released content consistently grew a following, VERY EASILY.

Fast forward to today and she has applied everything she learned from Facebook on to Linkedin and guess what happens? She becomes the most talked about content creator on Linkedin.

Shay is the CEO of Rowbottom Marketing and helps founders and executives become LinkedIn video creators so they can

be seen as industry experts and generate high quality leads.

In this interview, she literally walks us through the do's and don'ts of content creation on Linkedin. If you are serious about building your Personal Brand and business, Shay breaks down a lot of the moving parts that are key to content success on Linkedin.

If you want to get in touch with Shay. Her contact details are below:



Twitter: shay_rowbottom

Twitter Mentions