Dr. Melis Senova knows everything there is to know about humanisation because she has researched this topic for years and has a PhD on the topic. I can honestly say, this is one of the best interviews I have ever had.

Melis is a heart centred leader. She disrupts the way corporations think about leadership to internal structures and she has A LOT to say about this topic.

She wrote a book about it called This Human and its well worth a read, especially if you work in the corporate landscape in a leadership role.

Melis is an Executive Coach, Author, Founder of the Huddle Academy, Researcher and someone who walks her talk.

In this podcast, she takes us literally on a journey on the topic of humanisation, especially in leadership roles, how she brings human design into corporate infrastructures and her thinking behind her mission...which ultimately is to humanise the human.

If you would like to contact Melis, her details are below:

E: [email protected]

LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissenova/

W: http://melissenova.com/