Today I have on marriage experts Carla and Byron Weathersbee who founded Legacy Family Ministries. We talk about why having a strong marriage is important when it comes to having a strong family unit. We talk about ways we can make sure we strengthen our marriage when it gets hard, getting help in the rough patches, and how to make marriage a priority when life gets chaotic, (we can all raise our hands), and so much more.


We could have talked for hours about so many different things when it comes to the importance of marriage, but I know this will inspire you and give you some great ideas of how to foster your own marriage.


Marriage is one of the greatest gifts, but sometimes it has to be fought for, and sometimes it can be full of pain, but when we fight for one another, and learn to love one another through the hard, you can find beauty on the other side.




Get to know Byron and Carla

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