In today's podcast episode, we are thrilled to have Kyle Idleman author of the best seller (not a fan) as our special guest. 


Kyle is the author of a new insightful book "When Your Way Isn't Working: Finding Purpose and Contentment with Deep Connection with Jesus." 


His expertise in addressing challenges like feeling worn-out, discouraged, and inadequate makes this interview a must-listen.


During my conversation with Kyle, we explore the crucial message that Jesus wants us to remember when we face such struggles. Drawing from his book, Kyle shares the metaphor Jesus used to describe the good life: "I am the vine. You are the branches. Abide in me." This powerful concept emphasizes the importance of maintaining a deep connection with Jesus, regardless of the difficulties we encounter.


Throughout the podcast episode, Kyle sheds light on practical ways to find greater rest, depth, and connection in our lives. He encourages us to let go of the pressures of performance and productivity, acknowledging that it is in surrendering what we cannot do that God can work wonders. Additionally, Kyle guides us on stepping out of isolation, even when it feels intimidating, and he addresses the common distractions that hinder our connection to God, offering valuable strategies to overcome them.

Learn more about Kyle: 

Get his book 


Be Love. Do Good. is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit