I'm not sure about you but maintaining composure during my child's sporting events often feels like an insurmountable challenge. As a parent deeply involved in the world of sports, both as a former young athlete and as a parent with sports-loving kids, navigating this terrain can be quite the balancing act. We've all witnessed those impassioned parents on the sidelines, fervently arguing with referees – and perhaps, at times, that has been us. It's a place we've all found ourselves in. As my own children grow older, I've noticed that youth sports can sometimes bring out the worst in parents. This may manifest in the undue pressure we place on our children or the identity we associate with them as athletes.

In our podcast, Coach Smith Getterman imparts invaluable insights into fostering a well-rounded, faith-centered approach to youth sports, steering clear of the pitfalls of being overly controlling as sports parents.

Young athletes face a myriad of pressures from their parents. Coach Smith advocates for a shift in perspective, moving away from a sole focus on professional aspirations and redirecting our attention toward the character development and personal growth opportunities inherent in sports.

He underlines the paramount importance of maintaining a delicate equilibrium between offering parental support and refraining from exerting undue pressure. The key lies in transparent and open communication with our children, enabling us to gain a deeper understanding of their emotions, goals, and aspirations in sports.

The podcast also delves into the integration of faith in sports. Coach Smith adeptly explains how he guides young athletes to recognize the spiritual facets of sports, such as teamwork, integrity, perseverance, and how these core values can form the foundation of their identities in sports.

If you are a sports parent, you won't want to miss this insightful conversation.