Today I talk with the amazing and hilarious Jami Nato. If you don’t follow her on Instagram, stop what you are doing right now and go give her a follow @jaminato and be prepared to laugh your heart out. 


Jami’s vulnerability and transparency are a gift to us. Today we laugh a lot, but also get serious when it comes to finding our journey by following the breadcrumbs of our past to discover your purpose today. 


“Jami found her breadcrumbs in the rubble after her marriage fell apart. Downgraded from perfect Christian wife and mother to hot mess, she finally let go of what the world (and the church) said she should be and let God reforge her into a thriving, joyful woman living on purpose.


Jami has the hard questions and share what God has taught her through her own story-so you can step fully into yours.”

Grab her her book

Learn more about Jami 

Follow her on insta 


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