Today’s guest is one of my favorite Brits.  Steve Cockram and I are talking all about self awareness.  Steve Cockram is an international speaker, author, and consultant to top-level executives and leaders around the world. He is a subject matter expert on personality and wiring, organizational leadership, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal communication. Steve is the co-founder of GiANT Worldwide, a global leadership consultancy. He is also co-author of the books 5 Gears and 5 Voices published by Wiley.


There are some podcast guests I have on that I believe if we listened and put their knowledge into practice it could really change our lives. Today’s guest will do just that. Many of us think we are self aware but are we really. And if we don’t know ourselves and know how to lead ourselves how can we lead others. Every single one of us, whether you own a business or are a stay at home mom, you have influence on someone. Steve has years of experience in personalities, communication, and how to love others well by learning to communicate with them. 

We talk about SO many things. You will want to listen to this several times. 

Some of my big takeaways:

Self-awareness is one of the most important skill sets. 


Emotional intelligence is more valuable than ever before. 


To understand people and connect with people we have to understand ourselves.


Everybody leads somebody.


Do we know our nature and nature?   


The layering that happens through expectations of family, spouses, responsibilities. So many women need a detox, and peel off all the layers of what others told them of what they ought and should be. 


Who am I at the core of my nature?

We talk about how to ask the right questions of our spouse and our kids. How we can go years without really knowing how to love and communicate with the people closest to us. 

You will want to listen to this several times over. 

And Steve has made many of the tools he writes about free for our listeners. 

Go to to get these tools free for a month. 

Also check out his book 5 VOICES: How to Communicate Effectively With Everyone You Lead


For more show notes click here.